Harley Davidson annual rally in Cascais – MORADA DO SOL

“Life is two days and the carnival is three” (“A Vida são dois dias e o carnaval são três”) is a Portuguese expression that as the same meaning as the expression “Life is two days”. This year the Portuguese expression got an updated, “Life is two days, the carnival is three and the Harley Davidson party in Cascais is four!”

During 4 days, more than 12 thousand Harley Davidson motorcycle owners gathered in Cascais from all over the world, to show these mythical machines. All of them are surprisingly different but they all sound equally seductive. This orchestra attracted more than 100 thousand adepts and families to the Marina of Cascais.

The Street of Cascais gained a new life with this event , the perfect harmony between the pride of the population that welcomed the motards and the pleasure of the visitor for this harm welcome. The locals approached the rigorously  dressed motards, with their leather jackets, to take photos with them and their amazing asphalt machines. With the will to know more about the Portuguese culture, and completely surrendered to Cascais hospitality, the owners of the Harley Davidson brought a new dynamic to the traditional commerce.

The Harley Owners Group were delighted with the conditions that  Cascais provided to his members and they ashore the Mayor of Cascais that they will return.

We will be anxiously waiting.

Fortepaulle and Primault we graciously thank you for chosing Sol-Domus.


Photos of our guests:

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